Effective Date: May 2024

Your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Statement describes the types of information Hillel 818 (“Hillel” or “We”) collect from and about you through email, social media, direct mail, including when you visit our web property Hillel818.org ( the “Services”). This Privacy Statement also explains how We may use and disclose such information, as well as your ability to control certain uses of it. By using this Site, you agree to the data collection, use, disclosure and storage practices described in this Privacy Statement.

Information Collection

In some countries, including in the European Economic Area, this information may be considered personal data under applicable data protection laws:

Information You Provide to Us

We collect information from you when you choose to provide it to us. This may include when you make a donation, request information from us, register for a conference or other event, sign up for newsletters or our email lists, use our Services, or otherwise contact us or one of our affiliates.

The information we collect (or receive from our affiliates) may include your name, address, email address, telephone number, mobile telephone number, geolocation information, photos or videos and user name. 

If you use the Services to make donations or purchases, you may provide certain payment information, such as payment card, PayPal or other financial account information, and billing address. A third-party payment processor collects and processes that information on our behalf; we do not collect or retain your payment information.

Information We Automatically Collect and Cookie Policy

We may use cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, log files, or other technologies to automatically collect certain information when you use our Services or interact with our emails and online or mobile advertisements. For example, we may automatically collect certain non-personal information from you such as your mobile device identifier or MAC address, browser type, operating system, device model, software version, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, mobile or ISP carrier information, and the domain name from which you accessed the Services. We also may collect information about your use of the Services including the date and time you access the Services, the areas or pages of the Services that you visit, the amount of time you spend using the Services, the number of times you return, whether you open forward or click-through emails and ads, and other usage data so that we can understand the statistical use trends of our website in order to make improvements. This information is stored and used without any personal information attached to it. We capture the following information:

  • Domain Name: Through which you access the Internet.

  • IP address: From the computer or network used to access our website.

  • Web browser and operating system used.

  • Date and time you accessed our site.

  • Pages, files, documents, and links that you visited.

  • Referral Internet address of the website from which you clicked to get to our website.

  • Search terms used in a search engine (like google.com) that brought you to our website.

Tracking Options and California Do Not Track Disclosures

We strive to provide you with choices regarding the personal information you provide to us.

You may adjust your browser or operating system settings to limit this tracking or to decline cookies, but by doing so, you may not be able to use certain features on the Services or take full advantage of all of our offerings. Check the “Help” menu of your browser or operating system to learn how to adjust your tracking settings or cookie preferences.

Information Collected From Other Sources

We may obtain information about you from other sources, including social networks that you use to connect with Hillel 818. This information may include name, user name, demographic information, updated address or contact information, interests, and publicly-observed data, such as from social media and online activity.

Combination of Information

We may combine the information we receive from and about you, including information you provide to us and information we automatically collect through our Services, Apps, as well as information collected offline. 

Information Use

We may use the information we collect from and about you to:

  • Present our Website and its contents to you;

  • Respond to your inquiries, provide donor benefits and other services, fulfill orders, process payments and prevent transactional fraud, and contact and communicate with you;

  • Develop new programs, products or services;

  • Engage in educational initiatives to communicate with you and others to further our education goals;

  • Provide you with customized content, targeted offers, and advertising on the Services, via email or text message, or on other Services or apps;

  • Contact you with information, newsletters and promotional materials from Hillel 818 or on behalf of our partners and affiliates;

  • Improve the content and functionality of our Web site and marketing efforts;

  • Conduct research and analysis;

  • Comply with applicable laws, including to respond to requests from public and government authorities;

  • Enforce this Privacy Statement;

  • Protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and/or that of you or others;

  • Develop new programs, products or services;

  • Protect the security or integrity of the Services and our business; and

  • As described to you at the point of data collection.

Information Sharing

We do not sell your personal information to third parties. 

You have the right at any time to withdraw your consent to our collection and use of your personal data and to exercise the following rights. If we are the data controller, you can contact us to exercise these rights. If we are the data processor, you must contact the controller to exercise these rights:

  • Access your personal data or information;

  • Delete, or request deletion of, your personal data or information;

  • Object to or restrict processing of your personal information;

  • Request portability of your personal information;

  • Complain to your local data protection authority at any time;

  • Object to automated decision making; and

  • Update your personal data or information.

To withdraw consent or exercise these rights, please:

  • Adjust your preferences through contacting info@hillel818.org.

Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.

If we ask you to provide personal data to us to comply with a legal requirement or enter into a contract, we will inform you of this and let you know whether providing us with your personal data is required and if not, the consequences of not sharing your personal data with us.

Public Forums

Any information you may disclose in ratings or review, on message boards, in chat rooms, on zoom or other video communication platforms, or on other public areas of the Services, becomes public information and may be subject to the terms of use of other Services or platforms. Please exercise caution when disclosing personal information in these public areas.

You also may provide information to be published or displayed (hereinafter, “posted”) on public areas of the Services, or transmitted to other users of the Services or third parties (collectively, “User Contributions”). Your User Contributions are posted on and transmitted to others at your own risk. 

Children’s Privacy

Protecting children’s privacy is important to us. We do not direct the Services to, nor do we knowingly collect any personal information from, children under the age of thirteen.

Data Security

We have taken certain physical, administrative, and technical steps to safeguard the information we collect from and about our customers and Services visitors and users. While we make every effort to help ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee our security measures.

Data Storage and Retention

Your personal information is stored on servers in the United States. You understand and agree that Hillel 818 may collect, use, disclose, and otherwise process the information you provide as described in this Privacy Statement even if you are from an area outside the United States. Your personal information may be disclosed in response to inquiries or requests from government authorities or to respond to judicial process in the United States. We will retain your personal information for as long as it is needed to provide you with the Services, or to fulfill any legal or contractual obligations we may have.

If you are a resident of the EEA: Your personal information will be transferred to and processed in the United States, which has data protection laws that are different than those in your country and may not be as protective. For more information on where and how long your personal data is stored, and for more information on your rights of erasure and portability, please contact info@hillel818.org.

Access to Your Personal Information

If you have an account on our Services, you may sign in to your account and update your personal information contained in the account.

If You Have Questions

If you have any questions, requests or concerns about this Privacy Statement or the practices described herein, you may contact us at: info@hillel818.org

Revisions to This Statement

We reserve the right to revise this Privacy Statement at any time. When we do, we will post the change(s) on the Services. If we change the Privacy Statement in a material way, we will provide appropriate notice to you.